Top 15 Most Expensive Study Abroad Destinations - OurTop10s

Top 15 Most Expensive Study Abroad Destinations

Studying abroad is a great addition to any educational journey, but it can quickly get expensive.

You’ve made it to college or university, and you are now thinking about studying abroad for a semester or two? We’ve gathered numbers about the 15 most expensive countries where you could go.

We calculated the average cost of living per year in the cities where the best universities are located. In addition, we’ve selected the 10 largest universities in each country and looked into their tuition fees to give you an average. Prices are in USD.


You might be surprised to learn that India is the 15th most expensive destination for exchange students, with only $5,062 per year. That sure is nothing compared to the average cost of education in the United States. With 821 universities, India has plenty of options to offer, and you can be sure to find your program or its equivalent in the country.

Average cost of university tuition per year: $581
Average cost of living per year: $5,062

Annual total: $5,643


Mexico also comes off as pretty cheap, with less than $10,000 needed to study there for a year. Mexico’s best-ranked university, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM) can boast having nearly 350,000 students. If you’re not into going to such a populous university, know that you can choose from 1,250 institutions of higher education.

University tuition per year: $750
Cost of living per year: $8,710

Annual total: $9,460


With over 1 billion inhabitants, it comes to no surprise that China has nearly 3,000 colleges and universities, with a student population reaching 20 million. Tsinghua University and Peking University are the two best institutions in the country, and they are even among the 25 best universities in the world, as of this year.

University tuition: $3,844
Cost of living: $6,886

Annual total: $10,733


Another affordable option in studying in Turkey. You can choose from more than 200 universities there, including the renown Middle East Technical University (METU), Bogazici University and Sabanci University, all of which are in the Times Higher Education Ranking of 2019. Not convinced yet? Some Turkish universities even offer free education for international students! You could end up paying only your cost of living if you choose to study in Turkey…

University tuition: $1,276
Cost of living: $10,089

Annual total: $11,365


Taiwan is probably the most progressive Asian country that made it to this list. After all, the Taiwanese government is committed to liberal democracy and freedom of speech, and the country is known to have been the first to legalize gay marriage in the region. The three most renown Taiwanese universities are the National Taiwan University, the National Tsing Hua University and finally the Taipei Medical University.

University tuition: $3,338
Cost of living: $8,573

Annual total: $11,911


Can you imagine paying only $59 of tuition fees for a year? That is a reality you’ll encounter in Brazil. The country has a lot of renown universities despite being considered a developing economy. Look into the Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), the Universidade Estadual de Campinas and the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro if you want to study at one of the best universities in the country.

University tuition: $59
Cost of living: $12,569

Annual total: $12,628


With 3,000 institutions of higher learning, Indonesia has a lot to offer. The University of Indonesia (UI) is the most renown university there, located in Jakarta. In addition to great student life, you could also benefit from being in a city that is also renown for having the best nightlife in Asia.

University tuition: $4,378
Cost of living: $8,527

Annual total: $12,905


Malaysia also has renown universities, including the Universiti Malaya (UM) in Kuala Lumpur, ranked among the 75 best universities in the world. You’ll also find in the country many international branches of universities from elsewhere, including the University of Nottingham, University of Reading, University of Southern California and Australia’s Monash University. Not bad, right? Studying at Monash University in Malaysia gets you a degree that will be recognized almost everywhere and for a fraction of the price it would cost in Australia.

University tuition: $2,453
Cost of living: $10,488

Annual total: $12,941


Did you know that France can claim to be the most popular study abroad destination? When you know tuition fees are so low, no wonder why! If you live in Paris though, where the most prestigious universities are located, expect to pay a lot, and we do mean a lot of money for your necessities.

University tuition: $247
Cost of living: $16,530

Annual total: $16,777


Studying in Canada is, luckily, cheaper than studying in the US. With 96 universities for a total of nearly two million students, you’re in for a more intimate education if you choose to study abroad in Canada. The University of Toronto, McGill University (in Montreal) and the University of British Columbia all have their own unique charm and are quite renown. On the French-speaking side, think about Université de Montréal or Université du Québec à Montréal if you want to work on your language proficiency.

University tuition: $16,746
Cost of living: $13,201

Annual total: $29,947

Hong Kong

Hong Kong surprisingly has a lot of universities to choose from if you’re interested in studying abroad there. The city is incredibly international, and you’ll have no trouble finding courses that suit your needs and that are offered in English. According to QS, the University of Hong Kong is currently ranked 25th best university in the world, while Honk Kong University of Science and Technology is 37th and the Chinese University of Hong Kong is 49th.

University tuition: $13,444
Cost of living: $18,696

Annual total: $32,140

United Kindom

Home to Oxford and Cambridge, two of the most prestigious universities in the world—not to mention oldest—, the UK has 130 universities, 106 of which are in England alone. If you’re really into academia, the UK is definitely the dream. You’ll find no limit to the intellectual stimulation you can find in the United Kingdom, and many opportunities to discover the rich cultures present in the country.

University tuition: $21,365
Cost of living: $13,680

Annual total: $35,045

United States

Should you read us from outside the United States, know that the USA is among the most expensive destinations to study abroad. At the same time, you’ll be paying for a degree that will be recognized almost everywhere on the planet. With 5 out of the 10 best universities in the world being in the USA, you’re in for quite a competitive journey if you choose to study abroad in this country. But eh, if you’re into that, why not? Those universities are MIT (#1), Stanford (#2), Harvard (#3), Caltech (#4) and the University of Chicago (#9), according to QS.

University tuition: $24,914
Cost of living: $11,651

Annual total: $36,565


Just like Hong Kong, Singapore surprisingly has a lot of universities. Moreover, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore place really well among the best universities, placing at the 11th and 12th positions, according to QS. You’ll find that Singapore is a rich melting pot of Chinese, Malay and Indian cultures, creating its very own out of the mix.

University tuition: $18,937
Cost of living: $20,292

Annual total: $39,229


Tuition may be more expensive in the United States, but Australia can claim to be the most expensive place for students. If you want to study abroad in Australia, know that the cost of living is far beyond what you are used to. You will need plenty of savings and to be smart about your money. The country has 43 universities.

University tuition: $24,081
Cost of living: $18,012

Annual total: $42,093

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